I ndia’s power sector has been targeted in recent months by suspected state-sponsored Chinese hackers as part of an evident cyberespionage campaign, according to a report...
Odisha government has launched the ‘Sex Sorted Semen’ technology under the artificial insemination programme in a bid to boost the state’s dairy sector and enhance the...
The occasion, when Urdu journalism is celebrating 200 years of its existence, seems to be perhaps the best opportunity to clear some myths and misconceptions about...
A bench comprising of Justice Indira Banerjee and Justice J.K. Maheshwari in the recent judgment titled Gangadhar Narayan Nayak @ Gangadhar Hiregutti V. State of Karnataka...
Some Asian central banks are shaking off their longheld reluctance to follow their global peers in lifting benchmark interest rates off historic lows, as the Ukraine...
I t has become a trend for certain parties to make promises of free electricity, free water, free education, free travel, free cycles, free laptops, free...
Tata Motors has announced it has bagged an order of 1,300 commercial vehicles from VRL Logistics Limited to expand VRL Logistics’ commercial vehicle fleet portfolio in...
Eu r o p e a n Un i o n e nv o y s a r e s e t t o a p...
Australia on Wednesday indicated that it may consider a proposal for agri visas in future, which can help it meet its requirement for workers. Additionally, it...
Jet Airways India Ltd., which is undergoing a c o u r t – m o n i t o r e d restructuring, plans to...