Amazon is taking a step to offset its rising costs, announcing Wednesday it will add a 5% “fuel and inflation surcharge” to fees it charges third-party...
The company delivered $16.3 bn in revenues with the highest annual growth in last ten years
The insurance regulator also allows insurance aggregators to revise prices within a certain period of time. That said, most companies did not raise the premium costs,...
Th e Wo r l d B a n k o n Wednesday slashed its FY23 growth forecast for India to 8 per cent from 8.7...
The Ukraine-Russia war-led speculation surge for Indian export of wheat may bring down government procurement under Minimum Support Price (MSP) to 30-35 million metric tonnes (MMT)...
Production of ethanol has increased from 173 crore litres in ESY 2019-20 to 302 crore litres during ESY 2020-21 (October 2020 to Sept 2021), government data...
Pr i c e d i s c o v e r y estimates insurer’s value at around Rs 7 trillion For the initial public offering...
The BRICS sherpas have agreed to further strengthen solidarity and cooperation to address multiple challenges the globe is currently facing, i n c l u d...
A midst rising power demand from states and coal supply shortages, the Centre on Wednesday allowed “tolling ” of up to 25 per cent for thermal...
The focus on capex in the recently announced Budget for the current fiscal year will boost manufacturing and tax revenue collections, thereby keeping India on track...